THIS PAGE DEDICATED TO: false abuse allegations as well as false allegations of child sexual assault.
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Guest Expert, Certified Forensic Consultant, Author, Speaker, and Radio Talk Show Host.

Dean Tong, false allegations trial expert and child abuse expert, is an internationally known family rights and certified forensic consultant on child abuse, domestic violence, and child custody cases.

Dean Tong qualifies as an expert in false child abuse accusations cases under Florida Statute Ch. 90.702 and under Federal Rule of Evidence 702.

Tong, a published author, speaker and consultant retained by parents and attorneys in 48 states, has appeared on more than 2000 radio talk shows over the past 13 years and numerous TV programs, and in articles in the Boston Globe, Washington Times and Ft. Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel, Christian Science Monitor, Richmond Times-Dispatch, and The Washington Post. Dean Tong appeared as a guest child abuse-custody expert on August 2, 1999 on COURT-TV (Johnny Cochran Tonight) and on Crier Live on September 30, 2002. Contributor to the recently published booklet LOVE & LOATHING: Protecting Your Mental Health and Legal Rights When Your Partner Has Borderline, Personality Disorder. Tong recently gave an interview to a college student audience on the subject of forensics and his work.
Child Abuse Experts

Dean Tong is the author of three books:


Elusive Innocence


Ashes to Ashes… Families To Dust


Don’t Blame ME, Daddy

and the creator of the video/audio series:


Sexual Allegations in the ’90s: Tools You Can Use


In Fear Of Fathers: Defense Strategies For The Falsely Accused


American Psychological Association: Child Maltreatment Section

The Speaker

Dean Tong presented Borderline Personality Disorder in High Conflict Divorce Cases September 24-26, 1999 at the Childrens Rights Council Conference in Washington, DC. Call 1-800-787-KIDS for more information.


Dean Tong presented Child Abuse 2000: False Allegations and Parental Alienation Syndrome at the November 7, 1999 National Cry for the Children Rally in Washington, DC.


Dean Tong, in April 2000, addressed Fathers for Equal Rights-Denver and Springs Dean Tong, on Fathers Day 2000, was the *Keynote Speaker* at (supply HTML link here please) at the Capitol in Washington, DC.


Dean Tong, in September 2000, presented alongside the Honorable Senator Anne Cools from Canada, addressing the group Fathers Are Capable Too. See


Dean Tong, in May 2001, presented for the fifth time in the last ten years at the Children’s Rights Council in Bethesda, MD. His workshop was entitled CAUGHT IN THE CROSSFIRE: Dispelling the Myths in Child Abuse and Custody Cases.


Dean Tong presented TRICKS ARE FOR KIDS: Recent Developments in Children’s Suggestibilities to the organization VOCAL NY – FRONT on November 17, 2001 and COUNTERING 209A’s and 51A’s to the organization FATHERHOOD COALITION on November 19, 2001, both in Massachusetts.


Dean Tong, in October 2002, presented for the sixth time in the last ten years at the Children’s Rights Council in Hanover, MD. His workshop was entitled True & False Child Abuse Allegations.


Dean Tong presented “There’s Help for Canadians in Abuse Cases” on December 28, 2002 at the Saskatoon Inn in Saskatchewan, Canada. For more information please e-mail Jeff at [email protected]


Dean Tong presented “Abuse: A War Against Fathers and Families” at the Million Dads March on the west steps of the United States Capitol on Father’s Day June 15, 2003


Dean Tong presented his views on divorce, child custody and child abuse relative to effecting legislative changes at a Town Forum of the Sustainable Community at the University of Chicago on January 14, 2006


Dean Tong presented his views concerning fatherectomys on Father’s Day 2006 in Encinatas, California along with Dr. Warren Farrell.


Dean Tong presented “Surviving When Falsely Accused of Child Sexual Abuse” to the California Public Defenders Association (CPDA) in Palm Desert, California on December 6, 2008.


Dean Tong presented “False Abuse Allegations: Detection, Decisions & Defense” at the 6th annual Fatherfest (Daddy University) Conference in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on June 18, 2011.


Dean Tong is available to speak in your city on abuse-related/sexual harassment issues. Please call Dean Tong at 727-819-3993 for Mr. Tong’s speaking fees and to coordinate arrangements.

Dean Tong is an independent forensic trial consultant and is not associated or affiliated with any other so-called trial or legal consultants.