Please refer to this link here in PDF for Mr. Tong’s updated CV
8321 Fox Hollow Drive
Port Richey, Florida 34668
727.819.3993, Ph/Fax
813.417.5362, Cell
[email protected], E-Mail, Web Site
Master of Science (MSc.) Degree in Psychology and the Law in Child Forensic
Studies from the Universities of Portsmouth/Leeds in the United Kingdom in
England under the direction of Professor Ray Bull, Ph.D (2006). Masters Thesis
entitled the Penile Plethysmograph, Abel Assessment for Sexual Interest, and
MSI-II: Are They Speaking the Same Language? This thesis has been redacted
and is now a published peer-reviewed scientific journal article under the same
Title in Taylor and Francis’ May – June 2007 issue of The American Journal of
Family Therapy.
Bachelor of Science in Biology and Pre-Medicine with minor in psychology
from Northeastern University in Boston, Massachusetts USA (1979);
Dean’s List.
October 2004: Attended a two-day workshop given by David Martindale,
Ph.D. entitled: “Conducting Child Custody Evaluations – Legal, Ethical, and
Clinical Issues.” Completed 12.0 hours of training at the University of South
Florida in Tampa, Florida
October 2004: Attended an all day workshop given by Kathryn Kuehnle, Ph.D.
entitled: “Complex Child Custody Evaluations Involving Allegations of Incest
and Abuse.” Completed 6.0 hours of training at the University of South Florida
in Tampa, Florida
September 2001: Attended an all day DCF Dependency Court Improvement
Summit in Orlando, Florida
February 2000: Attended an all day workshop given by Stephen Ceci, Ph.D.,
entitled – “Preserving the Reliability of Children’s Testimonies.” 7.0 CEU’s
at the University of South Florida in Tampa, Florida.
From 1993 – 2008, have attended and presented scores of workshops and
plenary sessions dealing with divorce, child custody, BPD (Borderline
Personality Disorder), PAS (Parental Alienation Syndrome), SAID (Sexual
Allegations In Divorce) Syndrome, and children’s suggestibilities/memories
in Massachusetts, New York, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Maryland,
Florida, California, Colorado, District of Columbia, Washington, and Canada.
Presented at the CRC (Children’s Rights Council) in 1993, 1994, 1996, 1999,
2001, and 2002.
Dean Tong is an internationally noted author, forensic consultant, and expert
witness, concentrating in the areas of divorce, child custody, abuse
accusations, albeit, sexual or physical child abuse, domestic violence, et al,
Parental Alienation, and Sexual Allegations In Divorce (SAID). Mr. Tong
qualifies as an expert in cognitive child developmental psychology and best
practice forensic child interview methods, as well as critiquing investigations
by CPS and the Police. He has tendered and testified as an expert witness in
civil cases from W. Virginia, Tennessee, Kentucky, North Carolina, Rhode Island, California
and Virginia. He has tendered and testified in criminal cases from Georgia, Alabama, Florida
and Arizona. And he’s proffered testimony in a Florida criminal court, also.
He was court appointed as the defense expert in an alleged criminal child sex case in
Arizona in December 2006. He was retained as an expert
by a law firm in Surrey, British Columbia, Canada in a case of alleged
repressed memory which was tried in February 2007. Courts have accepted
Tong’s testimony in the areas of cognitive child developmental psychology, and
best practice methodology of forensic child interviews of children allegedly abused
on DVD, Video, Audio, or transcript; signs and symptoms of truly abused
versus non-abused children, source monitoring or proper versus improper CPS/
Police child abuse investigations, SAID, Parental Alienation, Malingering or
Munchausen By Proxy or Factitious Disorder, Sexual deviancy/interest testing and profiling,
de facto/de novo Sexual Abuse Treatment Program (SATP) counseling, and critique of
child custody evaluations and reports.
He has consulted on protracted divorce, custody and abuse-related cases since
1995 and has been involved in the field of child sexual abuse accusations since
1984. Tong has been retained as a trial consultant or expert in court cases from all 50
states by parents and/or attorneys, and has worked with the Florida Legislature
impacting the passage of 3 laws – the Spanking Bill; the Malicious False Abuse
Law (F.S. Ch. 39) and the repeal of the Florida Child Abuse Registry. Dean
Tong, in addition to his work involving legal cases in civil, juvenile, criminal,
and appeals courts, is a former licensed laboratory medical technologist in the
state of Florida (TN 19505). He was licensed to conduct blood and bodily fluid
analyses and did so actively between 1978 – 2001 in hospital and reference
laboratories in Massachusetts, Florida and Georgia. Dean Tong was admitted to
Medical School in 1983 at the University of St. Lucia in the West Indies.
Of significance to protective parents and mothers who have lost child custody
or may lose child custody in the future due to alleged false allegations of abuse,
parental alienation, or Muchausen Syndrome by Proxy (Factitious Disorder by Proxy)
or Malingering, et al Mr. Tong has been retained to assist like mothers and their attorneys
in several of these cases, nationally. Please visit and type in Dean Tong
in the search box.
Dean Tong’s third book Elusive Innocence: Survival Guide for the Falsely
Accused received recognition in a professional journal article – The American
Journal of Family Therapy May/June issue 2006 published by Francis & Taylor
Group (Routledge) – In addition, Tong’s work and web site was referenced and
quoted in the recently published 2006 anthology “Child Abuse” in Gale and
Thomson’s Current Controversies Series.
Dean Tong and his critically acclaimed work Elusive Innocence have received
mention by Dr. Gordon Finley, Professor of Psychology at Florida
International University in Miami, in the following article within the following
Treatise: Finley, G.E. (2003). Father – Child Relationships Following Divorce.
In J.R. Miller, R.M. Lerner, L.B. Schiamberg, & P.M. Anderson (Eds).
Encyclopedia of Human Ecology, Volume 1: A –H. Santa Barbara: ABC-
CLIO, pp. 291 – 293.
Dean Tong and his book Elusive Innocence have been referenced by William
Eddy, Esq., LCSW in his 2003 published book “Splitting: Protecting Yourself
While Divorcing a Borderline or Narcissist.” Attorney Eddy says of Elusive
Innocence on page 131 in Splitting – “This is an excellent book for those who
have been falsely accused of child sexual abuse in divorce, with many case
examples and numerous resources.”
Dean Tong is the author of 3 books: Elusive Innocence: Survival Guide For
The Falsely Accused (Huntington House, 2002); ASHES to ASHES…
Families to Dust (FamRights Press, 1997); and Don’t Blame ME, Daddy
(Hampton Roads, 1992). In addition, Mr. Tong is a Contributor to the Booklet
Love & Loathing: Protecting Your Mental Health & Legal Rights When Your
Partner Has Borderline Personality Disorder (Eggshells Press, 2000), author
of the monograph – Pitfalls When Divorcing a BPD Spouse, and Creator of the
taped series’ – Sexual Allegations in the 90’s and In Fear of Fathers.
Dean Tong is the author of a scientific peer reviewed journal article titled “The
Penile Plethysmograph, Abel Assessment for Sexual Interest and MSI-II: Are
They Speaking the Same Language?” published by Taylor and Francis in their
May – June 2007 issue of The American Journal of Family Therapy. On
January 13, 2009 Tong’s study and article was cited and quoted by the 7th
Circuit Court of Appeals for Western Wisconsin in the case of The United
States of America v. Bruce J. Rhodes (Case No. 07-3953) referencing the
Penile Plethysmograph. The exact scientific citation for Tong’s article is:
The American Journal of Family Therapy, 35:187-202, 2007
Copyright Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
ISSN: 0192-6187 print / 1521-0383 online
DOI: 10.1080/01926180701226762
Dean Tong is also an online Op-Ed Columnist at
Mr. Tong authored an important article published in the 2008 Summer
issue of the international magazine In Search Of Fatherhood. Titled Fatherhood
Crisis: A Time of Nightmare, Daylight and Redemption, Tong takes a hard look
at both the problems facing fatherhood and possible solutions to fix the same
over the past 40 years. And, Tong wrote the Foreword to the book I’m Going to be a
Dad: Now What? (Atlantic Publishing Group, 2009).
- Child Maltreatment and Family Law Section of the APA (Division 37)
- American Psychology and Law Society of the APA (Division 41)
- American College of Forensic Examiners (ACFEI) –
- Forensic Trial Consultant
- Thomson Reuters Expert Witness Services (TREWS) – A Division
- of the Westlaw Round Table Group
- Academy of Behavior Profiling: Affiliate Member of Forensic Section
- Metropolitan Registries
- Children’s Rights Council – Washington, D.C.
- International Speakers Network – Lifetime Member
Washington Post, AP, Reuters, Gannett, Scripps Howard, LA Times, Washington
Times, Miami Herald, Arizona Republic, Boston Globe, Tampa Tribune, Florida
Times-Union, Denver Post, Christian Science Monitor, Ft. Lauderdale Sun
Sentinel, Richmond Times-Dispatch, South Florida Parenting Magazine,
Wilkes Barre Times Leader, The Women’s Quarterly, The New American, The
Florida Bar Journal, Speak Out For Children, Washington Post, Skeptical
Inquirer Magazine, Ft. Myers Newspress,, Naples Daily News,
Orlando Sentinel,, The Stockton Record, Nursing Spectrum,
Deseret News, Sarasota Herald-Tribune, Fostering Families Today, The
American Journal of Family Therapy, Las Vegas Review Journal, The Globe
Magazine, Op-Ed Columnist at, The Virginian-Pilot,
Rolling Stone Magazine, Wall Street Journal
Inside Edition, Court TV (Johnny Cochran Tonight), Jerry Springer Show,
A Closer Look w/Faith Daniels, Jane Whitney Show, CNBC, Your Turn w/
Kathy Fountain, CNN (Talkback Live), CBS Evening News w/Dan Rather,
Montel Williams Show, Talk or Walk, Chicago Counterpoint w/Attorney
Jeffery Leving, Florida News Channel’s – The Vasilinda Report, Crier Live,
ABC Prime Time Thursday w/Diane Sawyer and Charles Gibson, MSNBC
Live, Dr. Phil, FOX News Live, Court-TV (Crier Live), Court-TV (Both Sides
w/Vinny Politan), A Current Affair, FOX News Channel – The Big Story and
The Lineup, CNN (Nancy Grace), MSNBC (Rita Cosby), CBS’ 48 Hours,
Dateline NBC, Channel 9 Orlando, FL, Discovery Channel – TLC
Talk America (Judi World), Morton Downey Jr. via WWRC, Sun Radio
Network, Liberty Works Radio, American Freedom Network, KOA, WLW,
WOAI, WBZ, KABC, KGO, WMEX, Florida News Network, Radio America
Network, Focus on the Family w/Dr. James Dobson, WMAL, Nolan at Night,
Roger Fredinburg Show, Tony Trupiano Show (Talk America), Stan Solomon
Show, ESPN Radio (Chicago), Steel on Steel, American Freedom Network,
Wisconsin Public Radio, KRLA-AM 870 w/Glenn Sacks (,, Behind the Headlines w/Jane Silk, KPSI-AM
Palm Springs, CA, The Ken Hamblin Show, KTSA-AM (The Morning Edge
w/Trey Ware, Fox Sports Radio, The Mitch Albom Show (WJR), KTAR,
Battleline w/Alan Nathan (, The Bob Dornan Show, CRN,
American Breakfast w/Stan Major (, World Talk
Radio w/Annie Armen, Voice Of America w/Barbara Klein, His Side w/Glenn
Sacks ( (Point – Counterpoint Debate w/Celebrity Attorney
Gloria Allred June 27, 2004), WOR w/Ed Walsh, Good Day USA (The Doug
News Radio Legal Analyst in the Jon Benet Ramsay arrest case of John Mark
Carr, the resignation of former U.S. House Rep. Mark Foley, and the Duke
University Rape Scandal, The Scott Paulsen Show (The Zone), Across the
Nation w/Attorney Bob Dunning on Sirius Channel 159, Bulldog and the Rude
Awakening on Ocean 98, KFBK, KXYL 97 FM Wendlee Broadcasting (Central
Texas), The Lars Larson Show – CBS Radio
Awards & Significant Events:
- Expert Commentator for Casey Anthony Case (Orlando Sentinel – Anthony
- Collarossi, Reporter) 2011
- FOX News Radio Legal Analyst
- Media/Trial Consultant for Bridget Marks’ Case
- Media Commentator for Court-TV in Michael Jackson Case 2005
- National Wall of Tolerance sponsored by Rosa Parks
- Legal and Media Consultant for Elian Gonzalez Case
- Media Commentator for other following high-profile cases:
- Duke University Rape Scandal, Congressman Mark Foley Scandal, Kobe
- Bryant, Catholic Church Sex Abuse Scandal, Paula
- Poundstone, Megan’s Law, Michael Jackson, Woody Allen;
- Who’s Who in Medicine & Healthcare
- Dept. of Health & Rehabilitative Services – Florida
- American Coalition for Fathers & Children
- Mayor Ed Austin – Jacksonville, Florida
- Northwest Child Abuse Defense Resource Center
- Candidate for Florida State House in 1994
- Testified in precedent setting ‘prospective abuse’ case in 1992
- in Clay County, Florida – In The Interest of S.S.J.
Will be furnished upon request by e-mailing [email protected] or visit
Updated March 2014