THIS PAGE DEDICATED TO: false abuse allegations as well as false allegations of child sexual assault.
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Why Dean Tong may be necessary for your case?

Dean Tong is:

Adept in Assisting Attorneys Relative to the Application of Science to the Law
A Consultant/Expert with a Very Successful Track Record


Wouldn’t You Rather Have The Guy Who Wrote The Book Consult On Your Case?

Mr. Tong provides the following forensic consultative service for Attorneys, unjustly accused parents, and parents embroiled in acrimonius custody battles without abuse allegations as a Nationally Recognized Expert on the issue of false accusations. Dean Tong qualifies as an expert in false child abuse accusations cases under Florida Statute Ch. 90.702, and under Federal Rule of Evidence 702.

In December 2001, Mr. Tong was qualified as and tendered as an expert witness by Attorney – State Legislator Charles Rusty Webb in Case. No. 98-D-47, Drake v. Drake, out of Parkersburg, West Virginia. If you are interested in a copy of Mr. Tong’s transcript testimony and/or are considering his services as an expert witness, please call 727.819.3993 or send an e-mail to[email protected]. Author Dean Tong’s third book Elusive Innocence was published in Legal Information ALERT a publication published and distributed by the University of Florida Levin College of Law
elusive innocence by dean tong

Areas of concentration in which Mr. Tong can testify as Expert Witness:

SAID (Sexual Allegations In Divorce) Syndrome
PA (Parental Alienation) v. PAS (Parental Alienation Syndrome)
Borderline Personality Disorder relative to false abuse accusations
General CPS (Child Protective Services) handling of cases
Children’s Suggestibilities & Memories
Proper v. Improper (e.g. anatomically exaggerated dolls) Interview Protocols of allegedly abused children

Mr. Tong accepts the following types of cases in criminal, juvenile, family, and/or administrative (child abuse registry) court, nationally, on a consulting basis: alleged physical child abuse (includes alleged Shaken Baby Syndrome), alleged sexual child abuse (within a divorce/custody battle, or not), alleged failure to protect, alleged medical neglect (including failure to thrive), alleged psychological child abuse (Parental Alienation), alleged child-on-child abuse, and alleged domestic violence (spousal abuse). If you have a question relative to whether or not Mr. Tong can help you please feel free to call 727.819.3993 or send an e-mail to [email protected]


Dean Tong Headshot

Please see Mr. Tong’s CV here.


Expert Witness and Forensic Trial Consultant Dean Tong

False Child Abuse Allegations Dean Tong


Florida Child Abuse Laws Dean Tong


Child Interviews Dean Tong


Arizona Child Abuse Laws Dean Tong


Dean Tong False Child Abuse Allegations


Casey Anthony Case Coverage
Casey Anthony Case Coverage


Have YOU been unjustly accused of child abuse, sexual child abuse, physical abuse, child neglect, “repressed” memories, parental alienation syndrome, munchausen syndrome by proxy (Factitious Disorder), or domestic violence? Is your child at-risk in the custody of a parent who suffers from Borderline Personality Disorder? Is your attorney “sitting back” and “waiting to see what the other side does”? Has he/she penned a strategy to obtain the equitable relief you are seeking? Are you and your court cases suffering from flawed professional direction and guidance?

Consultant and Book Author Dean Tong will peruse your file and opine on the same. He’ll perform an Internet Search for your State. He’ll speak with your legal counsel. He’ll query “his” experts. And, he’ll devise a roadmap in which you can prove your innocence and impeach the credibility of your false accuser(s). His critique will take you where your attorney has not…to justice! Moreover, if your attorney is suffering from “Let’s Wait And See What Happens Syndrome”, and/or if the Guardian-Ad-Litem on your case is recommending the parent who suffers from BPD be granted child custody, you may “require” a new team! Mr. Tong will find you competent legal and/or mental health practitioners to champion your position.

Please consider watching this newly created 15 minute video on Sexual Allegations In Divorce (SAID), Parental Alienation, Child victim hearsay, Child suggestibility, and a blueprint for the defense on how to help wounded innocents defeat unfounded and false child accusations of child sexual abuse, et al – . The information articulated in the video is authored by Dean Tong and the commentator in the same is Attorney Lawrence DeMarco from Pennsylvania.

On December 7, 2022 Tong was lauded for his work in his local community. You can read the article here.

January 28, 2025

“I’ve yet to find an Attorney (knowing you’re not one) with more integrity or a better understanding of the law in these situations (alleged child sexual abuse cases) than you.”

Stephen Calver
[email protected]

December 11, 2024

“You took an interest in my case and did more than what I paid you for. Your advice and involvement was truly more help than most of the professionals that were involved. For certain this isn’t over so I definitely won’t forget about you. Again, I truly appreciate all of your help in aiding Dylan. Hope nothing but the best for you.”

– Gabriel Soto
[email protected]

December 5, 2024

Hello Attorney Karnes:

Atty. Moran: My office is considering hiring Mr. Tong. There is no corroborative evidence of assault. The 4-year old’s story has strong indicators of coaching. Some of what I am curious about:

Atty. Karnes: I have used him in criminal cases, Dependency and neglect cases, custody cases, and etc.

Atty. Moran: Was the expense justified overall?

Atty Karnes: Yes it was. We have prevailed on almost each case we worked on together. The one we lost was one that the client and his attorney who was unfamiliar with these types of cases had made so many mistakes before Dean and I were hired, that we could not un-ring the bell.

Atty. Moran: Did he testify as an expert in your case?

Atty. Karnes: Yes in most cases. We also paid for a report to use in a case where it was not considered hearsay when the client had limited funds.

Atty. Moran: What were the areas the court ruled he was qualified to offer expert testimony?

Atty. Kanes: Child abuse expert, sexual abuse expert, et al

Atty. Moran: Were there any areas the court did not allow/ did not qualify him in that you offered in your endorsement?

Atty. Karnes: Not that I can remember

Atty. Moran: How did he do on the stand?

Atty. Karnes: Excellent. He handled himself expertly, as a gentleman and was well spoken and handled difficult attorneys well. Judges were interested in what he had to say.

Atty. Moran: My concern is that the court here is pretty attuned to expert witnesses who are essentially offering comment on credibility. We need to closely adhere to observable behaviors. How does Mr. Tong do at that?

Atty. Karnes: I had him review:

  • other expert’s reports that were hired on the case
  • child pediatricians’ reports regarding the children, and
  • psychological reports of the children,
  • counseling records,
  • DCS records
  • Psychosexual evaluations of the alleged perpetrator
  • and etc.
  • We filed motions and had a taint hearing where he testified. In one case the sexual allegations were dismissed
  • He also testified in trial thereafter dealing with dependency and neglect. He was able to testify about those reports he reviewed
  • As an expert, he was able to sit in for the entire hearing and comment as an expert on what the witnesses said and he doesn’t opine on witness credibility or the ultimate issue-at-bar.

John Moran
Attorney, Deputy Colorado State Public Defender
Trial Attorney Supervisor
Colorado Public Defender’s Office
175 Mercado Dr., Ste. 250
Durango, CO 81301

Lanis L. Karnes
Attorney at Law and Mediator
Karnes Center
2273 N. Highland Ave. – Suite A
Jackson, TN 38305

September 23, 2024

“Thank you for your detailed Report. I would be interested in seeing the peer-reviewed articles that you mentioned.”

Sara Dent, Esq.
Deputy Public Defender
Yavapai County Public Defender’s Office
Prescott, Arizona
[email protected]

September 18, 2024

“The Defendant received time served and probation. Thank you for all your help on this case.”

Jessica Travis, Esq.
Melbourne, Florida
[email protected]

September 6, 2024:

“Dean, thank you for this input thus far. I am impressed with your knowledge and look forward to your input.”

Grant Glassford, Esq.
Nashville, TN
[email protected]

August 31, 2024:

“This is excellent. Thank you for this fine Report.”

Rosanne Lienhard Plante, Esq.
Humboldt County, IA
[email protected]

May 13, 2024

“If you had been permitted to explain all the inconsistencies and talk about what was not done, and we were permitted to enter the Child Protection Team (CPT) Handbook as an Exhibit into evidence onto the Court Record, et al who knows. But, I think you did great on the stand. Thanks for everything.”

Michael Van Cleve, Esq.
Michael Van Cleve, Law
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (786) 309-9043

March 28, 2024

“Good evening, Dean. This is Larry, Andrew Sarratt’s Dad. The only reason my son survived this criminal case is because of what you brought to it. We appreciate everything you did!”

Lawrence/Andrew Sarratt
[email protected]

February 3, 2024

“Thank you again for all of your help and expertise. I hope that more practitioners reach out and take advantage of your knowledge and expertise in this area! I was mortified that the trial counsel had not pursued resources to identify and challenge this child’s testimony! You’re terrific! Hope you get some rest some day.”

Sarah Glynn, Esq.
Oxford Hills Law
197 Park Street
P.O. Box 298
South Paris, ME 04281
207.743.7753 (Office)
207.890.7189 (Cell)

December 11, 2023

“I do not know anyone else who knows DCF (CPS) process and their failures as an Expert better than Dean Tong. Thank you for your help in that last case we worked together. You truly changed lives.”

Deb Schmitt, Esq.
Dolman Law
Clearwater, Florida

December 6, 2023

“Thank you, Mr. Tong, and you were helpful to the Court.”

Circuit Court Judge Jan Miner (Juvenile – Family Circuit Division)
Bay City, Michigan

September 21, 2023

“Be sure to hire Dean Tong in order to defend yourself the best way. I hired Dean and his wisdom and expertise helped lead my legal team to a victory.”

Ruben Trevino
Victoria, Texas
[email protected]

August 3, 2023

“Boulder County Colorado CPS/HHS fully dismissed their case against me. Your insights have been invaluable.”

Dr. Jeremy Rodgers
Jeremy Rodgers, DC, ATC
Office: 303-604-4358
Cell: 303-641-5762
[email protected]

July 18, 2023

“The DCF Administrative Appeal Hearing went well. Thank you for your contribution.”

Jennifer Cox, Esq.
Cox and Powers, P.A.
Greenfield, Massachusetts
[email protected]

May 12, 2023
5 stars

“Dean Tong is very good at what he does as he is relentless and does not allow CPS to push his clients around. He works well with attorneys to guarantee that you get the outcome you deserve. If you’re having issues with DCF or losing your children or someone just decided they want to make false allegations against you Dean Tong is the first person you want to call (not an Attorney). CPS hates him and they fear his knowledge he will make sure that if you’re innocent it will be proven no matter what the stakes are. Dean Tong – thank you for bringing all 3 of my kids home.”

Simon C.
[email protected]

February 17, 2023

“Not Guilty all counts. Thank you for the breakdown of the child’s forensic interview
and for all of your help on the case.”

Ryan Robey, Esq.
[email protected]
Lexington, Kentucky

January 10, 2023

“As I told Shane, his result was remarkable and largely due to having the right experts. I have never worked with a more powerful and professional team.
While I`ll always wonder how trial would have gone, it was a pleasure to work with you. I`ll make referrals any chance I get.”

Bruce S. Griffen | Griffen & Stevens Law Firm, PLLC
609 N. Humphreys Street | Flagstaff, Arizona 86001
Tel: 928.226.0165
Cell: 928.380.2161
EMail: [email protected]

December 1, 2022

“After 5 and 1/2 years of unrelenting litigation, and 4 years after you helped in my vindication from all false abuse accusations, I now have a finding by the Court that she perpetuated Alienation. I wouldn’t have gotten this far if it wasn’t for your Trial Strategy so thank you so so so much.”

Brandon Burke
[email protected]

November 22, 2022

” You Dean Tong definitely did this for my family back in 2004. We somehow found you and you served us better than our lame attorney 10 times over. We had a two fold battle… One was my 13 year old step daughter, who we are convinced has ODD and terrorized our family DAILY, had run away and accused us of heinous things! She ended up with MY family members who turned against us for several seasons. Couple that with my ex husband seizing this opportunity to take me back to court for custody of my 8 year old, using my step daughter’s situation and family against me… It was a nightmare! I will say that cps in THIS case could see that my step daughter was conniving and in this for sh#t and giggles and they actually were supportive to us for the most part. My ex husband drove them mad wanting to have them press chargers to aide him in his case! They eventually told him to never call the office again. Unfortunately he was RICH as in mega rich and I was not and in the end he won custody with supervised visitations. Only because I was never notified of the hearing or served. He was very well connected and did NOTHING the legal way. In our other many court proceedings I swear to you that all and I mean ALL he did was plead the 5th to EVERY question. I believe in court that money talks in the form of skilled attorneys! I had both at different times! And it was evident that money does talk. My husband lost several jobs because I believe my ex had people call his work place with ludicrous child abuse stories and what company wants that liability?! Eventually we accepted what we could not fight anymore. My daughter is now 27. But what hell that was! While we did not win every battle due to only what I can label as criminal actions and lies, Dean Tong saved my life and sanity. He showed me how to fight and where to put my resources and time. He helped me stay level headed. Hell he even led my attorney by the nose because he was so inept. I’m forever thankful for Dean Tong! He was worth every penny. Even though at the time my case did not end like I wanted I thought the best fight I could and my daughter and I are extremely close. Moral of this recommendation? Hire him! And know that things will eventually work out if you stay the course!”

Deidra Gist

October 8, 2022

Dean Tong is a veteran expert by experience in dealing with DCF (CPS), and the other entities in Child Dependency/TPR cases. I like how he does billing by flat rate so that I wasn’t concerned about time per se. Dean was available early, late by email and even phone call.

His efforts were timely both prior to engagement and after. He will help you win if you give him a chance. He has depth of knowledge around the court room proceedings and the nuances of particular situations such as: (1) How a judge could interpret statements (2) What you are up against in the courtroom in Child Dependency/TPR cases, (3) what types of attorneys you should have, (4) how much danger you could be in.

In my case, the Child Dependency/TPR was dismissed, and I expect that some of the reason was that the opposition knew they were in for a real battle if the case would have gone on to the Adjudication Hearing (where the children would have been determined where to live). However, now in family court, we have a pending court hearing for Custody late fall / winter of 2022 and the work we have done may be used ultimately.

Dean has connections and understands the landscape and how to navigate it. That is without question. I read his book, “Elusive Innocence” in about two days – very well done and full of valuable information.

Craig Tuttle
[email protected]

August 26, 2022

“Mr. Tong, as a consultant, has helped me navigate this unbelievably complex child psychology and legal labyrinth better than any other resource I’ve consulted in the last three months. He understands the policies and successful strategies with CPS exponentially better than any criminal defense attorney I have worked with including my exceptional counsel.”

Jeremy Rodgers, DC, ATC
Office: 303-604-4358
[email protected]

August 15, 2022

“I really liked that about you and the fire and passion you bring to cases like this…You understood what I had gone through and we share that same fire and passion for justice, accountability, and desire to make those pay who want to go down the road of false allegations of abuse in a pending divorce or whatever the situation may have been that caused someone to make this decision. I knew you were my guy after being in the office with John Medaris and you were on conference call. He had concerns about bringing you onboard and I was already onboard and there was no way I was not moving forward with filing this case without you. You understood what I wanted and how to navigate these waters the best. Attorneys know you will call them out and hold them accountable but only because you have a passion about these cases they will never understand because they have NOT walked in our shoes.”

Charles Tomberlin
Birmingham, Alabama

August 8, 2022

“Very fine deposition questions.”

Mike Tuma, Esq. Attorney-at-Law (Florida)
[email protected]

July 1, 2022:

“Good job.”

Erika Shadowens, Esq. (Attorney-at-Law)
Kalamazoo, MI

July 1, 2022:

“I think your testimony helped a great deal as the Judge wanted to hear what you had to say. You did a great job today. We achieved a temporary victory today.”

Christine Midkiff (Mom)
[email protected]

January 26, 2022

“Thank you for fighting for truth and justice. I will never forget what you, Mr. Estrada (Texas) and Ms. Karnes (Virginia) have done for me the rest of my life.”

Robert London

[email protected]

MSgt, USAF (Retired)

January 19, 2022

“Dean, thanks! You’re an amazing man.

I really appreciate your guidance in this very difficult field.”


Mark David Roseman, PhD, CFLE
Publisher, Contemporary Family Magazine

[email protected]

October 1, 2021

“Dean Tong is an amazing Expert. He helped me to obtain victories against CPS in Juvenile-
Dependency Court and against the opposing litigant in Family Court.”

Deborah Schmitt, Esq.

September 14, 2021

“I’m very satisfied with the work you did for my son and his case. My son bought your book and learned quite a bit. I believe the State was hesitant to have their procedures come under your scrutiny. Your web site is full of pertinent information and was helpful. I feel truly fortunate that we had someone of your expertise and experience in our corner. Thank you!”

Larry Costello

September 14, 2021

“Thank you so much, Dean Tong. I am so thankful I had your experience and guidance in helping get my daughter back. I really appreciate everything you’ve done for us.”

Roger Costello
[email protected]

August 16/September 21, 2021

“Thank you for your well-thought out and very educational articles and contributions to our magazines.”

CLICK HERE and HERE to read the full articles.

Family Lawyer Magazine
Martha Chan and Natalie Bogdanski

June 30, 2021

“I have been working with Mr. Dean Tong in my sexual false accusation case towards my minor daughter for the last seven months. He has been my consultant and I have to admit he has been working my case with diligent efforts and outstanding knowledge in his area of expertise.

He is organized, efficient and extremely competent with excellent rapport with me, my family and lawyers. His communication, knowledge and efforts are excellent no matter the time of the day he will make time for you.

He has worked in different types of sexual accusations in 25 plus years reason why I chose him to help me with my case. His most important quality is that he always goes above and beyond to help you and your lawyers if need it.”

Miguel Talavera
4770 Bexley Village Drive
Land O’ Lakes Florida 34638
713 516 8281

April 25, 2021

“Thank you for your hard work and diligence!”

Thank you,

Dana Dinkens, Esq. Attorney-at-Law
Wetsel, Carmichael, Allen & Lederle, L.L.P.
2305 Broadway
Lubbock, Texas 79401-2916
Ph. 806-368-9405
Fax 325-235-3526
[email protected]

April 16, 2021

“Thanks for your efforts in this case.”

Christopher Scott, Esq., Attorney-at-Law
Bay County, Florida
[email protected]

November 16, 2020

“After the Juvenile Dependency Court Hearing, the State caved. We’re optimistic for a dismissal in the criminal case. Thanks again for your work.”

Adam Taylor, Esq. Attorney-at-Law
[email protected]

October 30, 2020

“In looking at Mr. Tong’s credentials, the Court finds them, frankly, to be rather impressive. He certainly meets the educational and experiential qualifications to present himself as an Expert. The Court finds that his testimony is relevant to the ongoing investigation, and to the case as a whole. The Court does observe that his testimony will be helpful. It will be of assistance in the Court’s final determinations and decisions in this case. The Court finds that he is an Expert in his field.”

Honorable Circuit Court Judge H.L. Kirpatrick, III
Raleigh County, West Virginia

October 26, 2020

“Thank you so much for the dedication and hard work you put into what is looked at as my case, but is truly my son’s case. Your knowledge and articulation thereof served well in Court. Your advice along the way proved to be spot on, and your willingness to speak to me as things became tougher and tougher to deal with are just a few of the reasons you will always be someone I would suggest to someone in a similar situation. Thanks for everything you have done, and everything you continue to do.”

Andrew Welsh
[email protected]

August 28, 2020

“Listen to Dean as he is experienced, reliable and credible. I suggest you read his book – Elusive Innocence. Easy read and great education and insights by Dean Tong.”

Kevin Patrick Seaver, Esq. Attorney-at-Law
Boston, Massachusetts

June 2, 2020

“I really wanted to thank you and relay my appreciation to you for your assistance throughout this court process. I think your expert testimony was well-received and effective.”

John Mast
[email protected]

May 27, 2020

“Dean helped me with my case in Los Angeles and I spent 2 years in Juvenile Court. I won the case with the help of Dean and ultimately got custody of my son. Invest in Dean and pay attention to his instructions.”

Casey Gray
Texas Candidate for Congress in 11th Congressional District

December 28, 2019

“You are Number 1. Mother lost joint physical joint legal custody. Mother gets supervised visitation and no overnights. Mother was found to have alienated child from me. Mother owes Attorney fees incurred by me. You are the maestro. Your contributions and advice are worth their weight in gold.”

Dao Le
[email protected]

August 20, 2019

“Thank you so much for what you have done for my son, myself, and my family.”

Angela Ross, Florida
[email protected]

August 19, 2019

“Obviously, you served your client well by recommending Dr. K and giving me the guidance on “disintegrating” Dr. J’s opinion! I am glad that the Court let you be my adviser and also gave testimony. It was a tremendous amount of work and I could not have hoped for a better result.”

Michael Tuma, Esq.
Deland, Florida
[email protected]

August 12, 2019

“Your books saved my husband’s life.”

Talisha Rosen-Kellogg

August 12, 2019

“Thank you. Hung Jury and Judge declared a Mistrial.”

Vincent Quigg, Esq.
Long Beach, California
[email protected]

April 26, 2019

Mr. Tong –
“I recommended you without hesitation.”

David K. Calfee
Attorney at Law
William J. Brown & Associates, PLLC
23 N. Ocoee Street, P.O. Box 1001
Cleveland, TN 37364
Phone: (423) 476-4515
Fax: (423) 476-2937
Email: [email protected]

March 12, 2019

“Dean is a great asset for your case. A pioneer in his field.”

Michael Tuma, Esq.
Deland, Florida
386-279-0016, Office
[email protected]

October 21, 2018

“Words cannot describe how grateful I am for Dean taking on my case. I was having the most stressful and traumatic experience anyone could experience; from being criminally investigated for allegations I did not do to defending myself in a highly contested child custody case against allegations I did not perpetuate. Dean’s dedication, professionalism, experience, and knowledge far exceeded my expectations.

Dean worked 24/7 to put my needs first. He worked tirelessly to research the science and law to help my Attorney put on our best case, and we were highly successful in thwarting every false abuse allegation against me. Dean always listened to every problem or issue that crops up and always reassured any doubts I had. He has the ability to explain the science, clearly and concisely, and how to lay the legal foundation with his research of the law. He went above and beyond and did everything he could to ensure a great outcome. I couldn’t have asked for a better expert and expert witness.

I was not a high profile or the ‘profitable client’ due to my financial situation but I confidently will say this… I am his ‘most grateful client’ and that comes from my heart.

I want to thank him so much for helping me fight to get my daughter back into my life. In the future, after my daughter turns 18, I will share how valiantly he fought to get her father back into her life.”

Brandon Burke
[email protected]

October 3, 2018

“I do find that Mr. Tong’s evidence that he gave was helpful to the Court. And, like he, as a trier of fact, I’m troubled by the leading nature of that interrogation and the suggestiveness of it; even saying at one point to get her to talk about the doll. These were not necessarily spontaneous complaints. I credit Mr. Tong’s testimony about the recantations he noted. I credit Mr. Tong’s testimony, who is very familiar with false reporting. So, I find him and what he said very helpful to the Court.”

Circuit Court Judge Lawrence Puckett
Bradley County Courthouse
Cleveland, Tennessee

August 23, 2018

“I’ve been involved in an ongoing, high-conflict custody dispute for the last 5 years and retained Dean Tong as an expert witness and consultant after my ex-wife escalated her allegations to falsely accuse me of sexually abusing my 4-year-old daughter. Even though Dean was an out-of-state expert, I chose him after considerable research because of Dean’s national reputation and experience in the field.

While Dean has authored numerous books and articles on the subject, I really came to appreciate how knowledgeable Dean was when I spoke to him during our initial consultation. Even though Dean was out-of-state, he was incredibly well-versed in the statutes and family law procedures of my home state. He also had a comprehensive understanding of the procedure and protocol of law enforcement, child protective services, and—most important of all—forensic interviewing, which is crucial in any case that involves an allegation of sexual abuse of a child.

Even more impressive than his C.V. was Dean’s commitment to my case. Dean was very gracious with his time and attention, often responding to my emails within hours and always with thorough and well-explained answers. Furthermore, Dean has a rolodex of other top professionals in the field, which is an invaluable asset in refuting false allegations. Dean referred me to a psychologist who is also nationally recognized and the comprehensive and detailed report from his psychosexual evaluation was a cornerstone in my defense.

If you’re a loving parent who has been victimized by false allegations of abuse, Dean Tong is an expert you certainly want in your corner. It’s unfortunate that we live in a sociopolitical climate that prioritizes hashtags and identity politics over truth and justice. I quickly learned the validity of my ex-wife’s allegations were not being judged on evidence or credibility; instead, the standard has simply become how well an allegation fits the popular “progressive” narrative. That’s why the services of Dean Tong are so crucial to anyone who has been falsely accused of abuse. Not only is Dean respected, knowledgeable, and strategic, he’s also dependable, confident, and empathetic.

Dean is an expert who will assert your rights by establishing the facts, period. While the other side fixates on the perceived stigma, hearsay, and other red herrings, Dean cuts through the smoke and mirrors with moxie, which comes from his extensive experience and expertise.”

Robert O.

April 9, 2018

“The case settled. Your information was invaluable in negotiations.”

Michael Terry, Esq.
Criminal Defense Attorney
Moulton, Alabama
[email protected]

February 15, 2018

This Court Order clearing my name from false abuse accusations and getting me custody would not have been possible without your help –

Thank you much

Joseph Shippley
[email protected]

February 1, 2018

We had a very contested and important case, which is described in the below Blog from our law firm’s website. We did our research and found Dean Tong. He was an absolute game-changer for our client. Dean was timely, attentive to the case, made strategic suggestions, and exhibited a very high level of expertise in this ever growing (and dangerous) area of the law as to people being falsely accused of sexual misconduct. During the case, I was also at the deposition of Dean taken by the seasoned opposing counsel; Dean basically “schooled” the attorney. Overall, Dean was instrumental in our client: (i) attaining a $175,000 settlement; and (ii) even procuring a lifetime injunction as to the accuser’s family having any contact with our client. I would recommend Dean Tong to any litigator who needs an expert in a false-accusation case.

Peter J. Mackey
Mackey Law Group, P.A.
Telephone: 941-746-6225
Facsimile: 941-748-6584
1402 Third Avenue West
Bradenton, FL 34205


5306 Holmes Boulevard, Suite 720
Holmes Beach, FL 34217
E-mail: [email protected]

December 21, 2017 –

Mr. Dean Tong – I’m not even sure where to begin however I want to express my utmost gratitude and appreciation for everything you did for our case you never sugarcoated anything – you never once gave us false hope you were very stern in your convictions as you know the laws, guidelines and documents.

Countless text messages, emails, phone calls, you’re always there to walk us through something and be the person we needed; your ability to work diligently and efficiently helped us in so many situations during this time to win our case!

Words can never express how much we are very thankful for everything you have done in our case!

Your colleagues that we have worked with were so very helpful again, thank you — the fact that our family is whole again.

Again thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

Amanda Sparks, Florida
[email protected]

August 9, 2017

Dear Mr. Dean Tong,

“Thank you very much for your help, resources, report, support and guidance. I really appreciate you sharing your expert knowledge.”

Jackie Walth Duchscher

May 30/April 25, 2017

“I have been referred to you by the Iowa Association of Trial Lawyers. I would like to secure your testimony for Mr. Hastings. You impressed him and he wants you present. He thinks you are the difference between him walking free and going to prison.”

Edward W. Bjornstad
Bjornstad Law Office
832 Lake Street
P.O. Box 305
Spirit Lake, IA 51360
Phone: 712-336-2000
Fax: 712-336-0227
E-mail: [email protected]

March 3, 2017

“Good job, Dean. Thanks for your help.”

Bruce McLaughlin, Esq. Attorney-at-Law
[email protected]

March 2, 2017

“I think that you are a fantastic witness. We appreciate everything and all that you have done. Your insight has been invaluable and we look forward to working with you in future cases.”

Eric Schwartzreich, Esq. Attorney-at-Law
[email protected]

February 24, 2017

“Not guilty on all counts. Thank you for your help.”

Lauryn Lauderdale, Esq. Attorney-at-Law
[email protected]

February 19, 2017

“Your book Elusive Innocence was a big help in a child rape case I did in 2004 and I am doing one now that is a SAID. Thank you.”

Lissa McKinney, Esq. Attorney-at-Law
[email protected]

July 10, 2016

“When one is accused of a crime, the greatest help is to surround yourself with the best resources that are avaliable. If you need someone well versed in forensic child interviews or trial consultation, consider Dean Tong among the top choices. Dean helped my case in ways I did not know were possible. From knowing which attorney to hire to his extensive knowledge of the world of child sexual abuse allegations his expertise helped me raise a successful defense. I had access to him whenever myself or my attorney needed him. Going through the legal system is no easy task and as a citizen with little or no knowledge of it I would have been lost without Dean. My sincere gratitude goes to him as well as full endorsement of his services.”

Robert E. Griffith
Panhandle, Florida
[email protected]

Mr. Tong – “I was very pleased with your Forensic Advisory Report and its thoroughness. I was pleasantly surprised at the fact you provided me with a possible motivation for the other ex-husband to participate in these allegations. Thank you!”

Carolyn Garber, Esq. Assistant. Public Defender
[email protected]

“Bottom line, Dean knows this stuff, probably better than anyone in the country, regardless of the issues in the case. Dean was always two steps ahead of everyone else in the courtroom. His contributions before and during trial were incredible. He is well versed with all of the scientific research and case law. Frankly, there is no better consultant for a child sex abuse case than Dean. If your client has the ability to hire Dean than by all means do so. Mr. Tong works his cases very industriously. Your client will get their money’s worth and more. I recommend Dean without reservation.”
Paul Stuckle, Esq., Attorney-at-Law.
[email protected]

“Judge Feeley accepted your testimony as an expert and it was most beneficial to the Gallos in demonstrating to the Court that the forensic interview was not properly conducted and that the rush to judgment was based merely on allegations of child abuse, and that it was grossly inappropriate. Judge Feeley indicated from the bench that he intended to study the DVD of the forensic interview carefully and repeatedly opined based upon issues raised in your testimony.”
Robert Riley, Esq.
[email protected]

“I have worked with Dean Tong on several cases. I have used him as a strategist and as an expert witness. He is a great witness. He has such a heart and is so compassionate about parent rights. He is extremely knowledgeable about his areas of expertise. He communicates regularly. He does his homework and is very prepared. I appreciate the fact that he is very direct – you don’t have to guess what he is thinking or how he feels or what he thinks you should do. Also, Judges have no doubt as to what he is recommending because he is brave and bold to make statements regarding his research and thoughts. He is extremely honest. If he feels there is a weakness in your case he will let you know, and if asked about that weakness on the witness stand, he is honest which gives him great credibility with the courts. I hope I have many more opportunities to work with Dean, and hope you are able to work with him as well.”
Lanis L. Karnes,
Attorney at Law
Lanis L. Karnes
P.O. BOX 10785, Jackson, TN. 38308
Physical address:
731-668-9LAW PHONE
[email protected]

“Dean – You were of great assistance. As you know, I used a lot of your verbage in my closing argument.”
Ted Stokes, Esq.
[email protected]

“Dean Tong is very knowledgeable and has been a godsend for my case.”

Bridget Marks (As Seen on Dr. Phil)
[email protected]

“Your work was the deciding factor.”

Mark Bockstein, Esq., Criminal Defense Attorney, S. Florida
[email protected]

“Dean Tong should receive an award for exceptional service in protecting the innocent and helping children by allowing them the opportunity to maintain meaningful contact with their falsely accused parent.”

Timothy L. Lapointe, Attorney at Law
Mason City, Iowa
[email protected]

“If you are reading this, you are already aware of the seriousness and compromised position you are presently in. It is extremely important that you pick the correct team for your defense, to prove your innocence. Your decisions now, may well affect the outcome of your trial and ultimately, your life. Mr. Dean Tong is well versed and versatile as a consultant, a trial expert and/or an expert witness. Mr. Tong has been specializing in false sexual allegations for well over 25 years and is well respected in the trial consultant, and expert witness arenas.

I can attest to the fact that, Mr. Dean Tong is aggressive, extremely knowledgeable and is a wealth of information and ideas. One thing I can promise, that when the Prosecution is introduced to Mr. Dean Tong, the Prosecution will soon learn that World War I I I has commenced in the court room, once the judge says, “Court is in session”.

Mr. Dean Tong is no stranger to high profile cases, as he has been an expert commentator on the Michael Jackson case and most recently, the Casey Anthony case. Mr. Tong is meticulous and is a walking 300 gigabyte computer, with respect to laws, strategies, procedures and knowledge of law in Florida, as well as other states.

Another thing I would like to impress upon everyone, is that just because you are innocent, that doesn’t mean you can’t be found guilty, by an uncaring jury or a bad judge. You need the truth, determination and Mr. Dean Tong, by your side, to get you through the worst time of your life.

This testimonial is from a very happy, grateful and free man, who faced up to 60 years of incarceration.”
Brad Wetmore

In six months I went from having police detective’s at my front door and facing possible child sex abuse charges to having temporary sole physical and sole legal custody of my 5 year old daughter. This would not have been possible without Dean Tong. My soon-to-be ex-wife hired the most expensive lawyers in our county, made the most heinous accusations you could make against any father, and attempted to alienate and brainwash my child against me. Having Dean Tong on my team enabled us to turn the case around in a very short period time and minimize the emotional and psychological damage to my daughter.

Shortly after the false accusations were made, I hired Dean Tong as a consultant. I can’t stress enough how important it was having Dean Tong on my side from the very beginning before any paperwork was filed or court appearances made. He helped me every step of the way to do the right things, file the right paperwork, hire the right attorney, hire the right experts, and more.

I never even knew this kind of thing happened to people until it happened to me. I was completely blind-sided and totally unprepared to deal with what happened. I know now that anyone falsely accused of sexual abuse of their child who thinks they can just hire a local attorney and hope for the best will likely lose rights to their child. The system stacks the decks against you from the very beginning and many lawyers don’t understand and/or have the experience to handle the nuances of cases involving false sex abuse allegations, let alone give you proper advice for actions to take outside the courtroom.

Dean’s knowledge of just about every aspect of false sexual abuse allegations and the legal process associated with them were critical to my case being turned around. Dean advised me and my attorney on the selection of evaluators and experts, use of published research reports and studies, drafting of legal filings and counter pleadings, security and safety measures, and more. In my case Dean knew what was going to happen before it would happen. He anticipated the moves my soon-to-be ex-wife would make outside the courtroom and the moves her lawyers would make in the courtroom.

I want to thank you for everything you have done for me and my daughter this past year. I owe my current sole custody arrangement, my future relationship with her, and the future of my daughter’s emotional well being to you. I didn’t know anything about false sexual abuse allegations until it happened to me. I was completely blind-sided and totally unprepared to deal with what happened and you helped me through it every step of the way. What I now know is that anyone who is falsely accused of sexually abusing a child who thinks they can just hire a local attorney and hope for the best is taking an enormous risk and the stakes don’t get any higher. The best decision I made in the past year was hiring you as a consultant.

If you are being falsely accused of sexual abuse, you must call Dean Tong.
Thank you Dean!

“When I was wrongly accused of child abuse in 2003 against my 4-year-old daughter by her mother the first and smartest move I made was to seek out the help of Mr. Tong. Despite not having had many cases in the State of Arizona, Dean jumped right in and worked effectively with existing counsel and helped to secure additional relevant counsel as well as the right experts to facilitate my legal team in not only preventing me from being arrested but also ultimately set me on the road to Sole Legal & Physical Custody – something I achieved last week and that I had been working for over 6 years to try & secure. Dean’s tireless efforts on behalf of my child and myself have ensured that the father/daughter bond will not be broken. Long after others had moved on Dean remained involved and provided his expertise, opinion, comment and review of case related documentation and providing situational analysis of my situation to ensure that I had the best possible chance to prevail. I consider him an advocate, an expert, a friend and despite being a little abrupt at times one of the primary reasons I have finally managed to protect my daughter. Don’t go it alone when someone makes a baseless abuse allegation, secure the services of the #1 forensic trial consultant in the US and get your life back.”
Drew Alexander

My Experience with Dean Tong
I wanted none of these things to happen. So I fought back with all the financial, physical, emotional, and mental resources I have. This meant hiring Dean Tong as a consultant. His service was valuable in many ways, including:
Referrals to top attorneys. Dean knew of an attorney in my area who has experience in winning these types of cases. Hence, I switched attorneys. Not only did my new attorney win, but he now he says I have a good chance of gaining primary custody of my children.

Referrals for psychosexual testing. Dean can refer you to get tested by some of the top professionals in the country. In my case, I was tested and the psychologist was able to write me a positive report. The psychologist was also available to testify.

Referrals to other experts. Other experts include, but are not limited to, forensic pediatricians and psychologists.

Help in case law. Dean would e-mail or phone my attorney with case law applicable to my legal situation. This would help my attorney with my defense.

Dean gives his opinions on legal strategies based on his many years of experience in this field. He would even give, in a respectful manner, opinions that differed from that of my attorney. These opinions would help my attorney make well informed decisions, and make him think about something he may have not thought of without Dean.

Helping keep your attorney on his or her toes. I don’t think this applied to my situation, but I can see how having someone like Dean e-mailing, phoning with case law and giving his opinions on strategy keeps your attorney on his or her toes and not see your case as “just another case.”

Psychological and emotional support. One of the harmful effects of false allegations of sexual abuse that cannot be avoided is the psychological and emotional toll that a false allegation of sexual abuse places on the individual being accused. To help mitigate the damage, it is very beneficial to talk to people. But because of the nature of the allegations, you’ll find that there’s a very limited number of people you can talk to. Dean is another person you can bring into your small circle of confidants to talk about your situation. Not only will he listen, but he will offer advice and solutions.

24/7 support. Dean is very good about talking on the phone. Most times I called, he answered and was able to listen and give me ideas as well. He’s also very good about e-mailing, often e-mailing responses within minutes of me sending the e-mail

Q & A
Can hiring a consultant make a difference? Absolutely! And in my case, it did.
What about the geographic barriers? Before I hired Dean, this was a concern as he resides in Florida and I live in Southern California. However, this was never an issue. We conference called with my attorney, talked on the phone and e-mailed each other many times all making the geographic distance a non-issue.
Is it expensive hiring someone like Dean? In my opinion, it’s not. I say this comparing how much it would have cost me, both financially and emotionally, if a verdict was given that did not reflect the truth. My thinking was it’s better to pay a little now, than a lot later. The potentially devastating effects of a false allegation are too expensive to think otherwise.
Michael Lyman

April 16, 2015

“Thanks for your testimony today, great work. We will keep your information handy in case of an appeal, or for a future client’s issue.”

Take care.

Dan Saathoff, Esq., Attorney-at-Law
[email protected]

September 5, 2014

To Whom It May Concern:

Dean Tong is an ultimate professional. He is genuine, has an excellent knowledge base on child custody matters and above all he is on your side 100%. He is available night and day for your questions and concerns. He is resourceful and gives accurate advice. I won my custody battle because of him.

I recommend him without reservation.

Dr. J.A.K
[javascript protected email address]
July 24, 2014

“I cannot thank you enough for your guidance, Dean, and advice during the most difficult period in my life. After having watched my son battle Stage IV cancer and survive at the age of 4, going through a horrible divorce as well, and then having cops at my front door saying I’m accused of molesting my son, you were the only one who kept me grounded and focused. Having been through false accusations yourself, you knew what to say to me and also guide me in the right direction when I felt as if my world was caving in.
I would love to tell my story one day, but for now I am still recovering from those malicious accusations, and the irreparable damage they have caused. My only wish would be that our judicial system would punish mothers who intentionally and maliciously accuse their ex spouses of something so heinous… Thank you for standing up for those of us who are lost and confused, and for all of your hard work and expertise. I am forever grateful.”

Dr. P
[email protected]
December 11, 2013

“My husband and I were clients of Dean Tong and the professionalism and expertise that we experienced will stay with us for a lifetime. When our children were taken away from us I didn’t know the first place to start. I was the person that believed something like this would never happen to a person like me. Because of Deans’ help he made a terrible situation more tolerable and helped prepared us for what to expect.”

Tiffany Cooper
West Virginia
[javascript protected email address]

November 9, 2012
“Thank You very much. I am going to review this with Mr Burgund. I think you did a great job on analysis. I have an uphill battle and really appreciate your help and opinion.” –
Harry Anderson, Esq. Attorney-at-Law
[email protected]

October 31, 2012

Hi Dean,

“I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all that you’ve done to help me get my life back, and stay out of jail for a crime I did not commit, and gain sole legal custody of my 4 year old daughter. I couldn’t have done it without you!
When I first contacted you, I was scared to death. I did not know what to expect or what to do. I had just been falsely accused of molesting my 4 year old daughter by her mother. (because she thought that if she had sole physical custody then she would receive more child support and could avoid having to work) As you can imagine, I had a million questions and concerns. You spent over 2 hours with me on our initial conversation, addressing all of them, and that was prior to any discussion of a retainer or a financial conversation of any kind.
Initially, I did a web search and read what others were saying about you, so I was already aware of your expertise and accomplishes. I was not aware however of how detailed and extensive your understanding and knowledge of the law is and how well you know your way around the legal/court system.
What I also did not expect, was how much you care and how passionate you are about protecting the innocent and doing the right thing.
Thank you again Dean for continuing to be there for me and my family while we are going through this difficult time. It has become abundantly clear to me, that i wouldn’t have made so much progress in the most important case of my life, and be able to protect my daughter from the emotional abuse of a false allegation without your help. I would personally recommend you to anybody who has the misfortune of going through what my family has been going through.
Thanks again,

January 28, 2012

“Mr. Tong is a VERY knowledgeable expert who I recommend having as your consultant (and/or expert witness) if you are ever falsely accused of a sexual crime involving a child. Mr. Tong not only has empathy for your situation (as he himself has been falsely accused of abuse before and was vindicated), but he also offers you valuable advise, not readily available elsewhere, on what to do/not do to protect your interests and to position you for the best possible outcome in your case. Mr. Tong will work hand-in-hand with your legal counsel and will do everything possible to help you and your attorney resolve your case with the least possible adverse legal action against you (including working tirelessly with your legal counsel to have your case dismissed). Mr. Tong is readily available via phone and email and promptly responds to your inquiries. Mr. Tong came highly recommended to me by an attorney who specializes in child-sex legal cases. That attorney offered me two-words of advise when I contacted him…..and those two words were….”Dean Tong”. I took that attorney’s advise. My case was resolved completely in my favor. My advise to you is that you contact Mr. Tong immediately if you are ever falsely accused of a child sex crime and discuss your situation with him. Time is of the essence! When your freedom and future are threatened by false child-sex accusations against you, do not delay. Contact Mr. Tong right away.”

Bill Hejl, Florida
[email protected]


January 20, 2012

“I want to sincerely thank you for how generous you were with your time, but more, for the good work you are doing to help innocent people who are seeing their relationships with their kids destroyed. You are one of the good guys, and in my estimation, a real life hero.”

Dustin Caldwell
678 776 7805
[email protected]

November 28, 2011

“If you are reading this, you are already aware of the seriousness and compromised position you are presently in. It is extremely important that you pick the correct team for your defense, to prove your innocence. Your decisions now, may well affect the outcome of your trial and ultimately, your life. Mr. Dean Tong is well versed and versatile as a consultant, a trial expert and/or an expert witness. Mr. Tong has been specializing in false sexual allegations for well over 25 years and is well respected in the trial consultant, and expert witness arenas.

I can attest to the fact that, Mr. Dean Tong is aggressive, extremely knowledgeable and is a wealth of information and ideas. One thing I can promise, that when the Prosecution is introduced to Mr. Dean Tong, the Prosecution will soon learn that World War I I I has commenced in the court room, once the judge says, “Court is in session”.

Mr. Dean Tong is no stranger to high profile cases, as he has been an expert commentator on the Michael Jackson case and most recently, the Casey Anthony case. Mr. Tong is meticulous and is a walking 300 gigabyte computer, with respect to laws, strategies, procedures and knowledge of law in Florida, as well as other states.

Another thing I would like to impress upon everyone, is that just because you are innocent, that doesn’t mean you can’t be found guilty, by an uncaring jury or a bad judge. You need the truth, determination and Mr. Dean Tong, by your side, to get you through the worst time of your life.

This testimonial is from a very happy, grateful and free man, who faced up to 60 years of incarceration.”

Brad Wetmore
[email protected]

October 20, 2011

Good morning, Mr. Tong. The jury came back with not guilty verdicts as to all counts last night. Thanks for all your help.

Carolyn C. Garber
Assistant Public Defender
Sixth Judicial Circuit of Florida
Criminal Justice Center
14250 49th Street North
Clearwater, FL 33762
(727) 464-6516
[email protected]

July 21, 2011

Dear Dean,

In six months I went from having police detective’s at my front door and facing possible child sex abuse charges to having temporary sole physical and sole legal custody of my 5 year old daughter. This would not have been possible without Dean Tong. My soon-to-be ex-wife hired the most expensive lawyers in our county, made the most heinous accusations you could make against any father, and attempted to alienate and brainwash my child against me. Having Dean Tong on my team enabled us to turn the case around in a very short period time and minimize the emotional and psychological damage to my daughter.

Shortly after the false accusations were made, I hired Dean Tong as a consultant. I can’t stress enough how important it was having Dean Tong on my side from the very beginning before any paperwork was filed or court appearances made. He helped me every step of the way to do the right things, file the right paperwork, hire the right attorney, hire the right experts, and more.

I never even knew this kind of thing happened to people until it happened to me. I was completely blind-sided and totally unprepared to deal with what happened. I know now that anyone falsely accused of sexual abuse of their child who thinks they can just hire a local attorney and hope for the best will likely lose rights to their child. The system stacks the decks against you from the very beginning and many lawyers don’t understand and/or have the experience to handle the nuances of cases involving false sex abuse allegations, let alone give you proper advice for actions to take outside the courtroom.

Dean’s knowledge of just about every aspect of false sexual abuse allegations and the legal process associated with them were critical to my case being turned around. Dean advised me and my attorney on the selection of evaluators and experts, use of published research reports and studies, drafting of legal filings and counter pleadings, security and safety measures, and more. In my case Dean knew what was going to happen before it would happen. He anticipated the moves my soon-to-be ex-wife would make outside the courtroom and the moves her lawyers would make in the courtroom.

I want to thank you for everything you have done for me and my daughter this past year. I owe my current sole custody arrangement, my future relationship with her, and the future of my daughter’s emotional well being to you. I didn’t know anything about false sexual abuse allegations until it happened to me. I was completely blind-sided and totally unprepared to deal with what happened and you helped me through it every step of the way. What I now know is that anyone who is falsely accused of sexually abusing a child who thinks they can just hire a local attorney and hope for the best is taking an enormous risk and the stakes don’t get any higher. The best decision I made in the past year was hiring you as a consultant.

If you are being falsely accused of sexual abuse, you must call Dean Tong.

Thank you Dean!

(Contact Information Provided Upon Request)

March 9, 2011

Mr. Tong – “I was very pleased with your Forensic Advisory Report and its thoroughness. I was pleasantly surprised at the fact you provided me with a possible motivation for the other ex-husband to participate in these allegations. Thank you!”

Carolyn Garber, Esq. Assistant. Public Defender
[email protected]

May 20, 2010

“Thanks for your assistance at trial. You provided great information, challenged me, and served as a great resource. Too bad Mr. Feola did not retain you sooner.”

John Byrnes, Esq. (Attorney-at-Law)
[email protected]

March 2, 2010

“Bottom line, Dean knows this stuff, probably better than anyone in the country, regardless of the issues in the case. Dean was always two steps ahead of everyone else in the courtroom. His contributions before and during trial were incredible. He is well versed with all of the scientific research and case law. Frankly, there is no better consultant for a child sex abuse case than Dean. If your client has the ability to hire Dean than by all means do so. Mr. Tong works his cases very industriously. Your client will get their money’s worth and more. I recommend Dean without reservation.”

Paul Stuckle, Esq. (Attorney-at-Law)
[email protected]

July 23, 2009

“Judge Feeley accepted your testimony as an expert and it was most beneficial to the Gallos in demonstrating to the Court that the forensic interview was not properly conducted and that the rush to judgment was based merely on allegations of child abuse, and that it was grossly inappropriate. Judge Feeley indicated from the bench that he intended to study the DVD of the forensic interview carefully and repeatedly opined based upon issues raised in your testimony.”

Robert Riley, Esq.
[email protected]

July 15, 2009

“Dean Tong knows more about false accusations of child abuse and what to do than anyone I have ever heard of. He is THE expert in the field. I write about and treat real victims, but I recognized that the falsely accused are very real victims themselves.”

Fr. Heyward Ewart, Ph.D.
[email protected]

July 11, 2009

“Dean Tong – You are brilliant and amazing! Although I am so sad that Sean and our family has had to experience this ordeal, I am still very grateful for the opportunity to see “real experts” in action – people who understand the law and our rights to protection under the law better than those who are employed by the legal system.”

Penni Barnett
[email protected]

Dear Art: Did you hire Dean yet?

Time is of the essence. Dean knows more than most attorneys.

Dean told my son’s public defender what to do to clear my son of the charges. She had originally told Sean “Just take a plea deal and do a little jail time.” Attorneys are useless. That is when I bolted into action and hired Dean.

Be prepared to send your son to California or Georgia for an expert polygraph test. This sealed the deal for my son since Dean works with the absolute best–AND–my son was innocent. Do not rely on a polygraph test from some local, ex-police officer hillbilly in the court jurisdiction where you live. Your son will LOSE if you do.

Do exactly as Dean instructs you to do.

Please keep me informed of the situation. This false child abuse crap is out of control.

Penni Barnett

March 23, 2009

“When I was wrongly accused of child abuse in 2003 against my 4-year-old daughter by her mother the first and smartest move I made was to seek out the help of Mr. Tong. Despite not having had many cases in the State of Arizona, Dean jumped right in and worked effectively with existing counsel and helped to secure additional relevant counsel as well as the right experts to facilitate my legal team in not only preventing me from being arrested but also ultimately set me on the road to Sole Legal & Physical Custody – something I achieved last week and that I had been working for over 6 years to try & secure. Dean’s tireless efforts on behalf of my child and myself have ensured that the father/daughter bond will not be broken. Long after others had moved on Dean remained involved and provided his expertise, opinion, comment and review of case related documentation and providing situational analysis of my situation to ensure that I had the best possible chance to prevail. I consider him an advocate, an expert, a friend and despite being a little abrupt at times one of the primary reasons I have finally managed to protect my daughter. Don’t go it alone when someone makes a baseless abuse allegation, secure the services of the #1 forensic trial consultant in the US and get your life back.”

Drew Alexander
Prescott, AZ
[email protected]

February 14, 2009

“I have worked with Dean Tong on several cases. I have used him as a strategist and as an expert witness. He is a great witness. He has such a heart and is so compassionate about parent rights. He is extremely knowledgeable about his areas of expertise. He communicates regularly. He does his homework and is very prepared. I appreciate the fact that he is very direct – you don’t have to guess what he is thinking or how he feels or what he thinks you should do. Also, Judges have no doubt as to what he is recommending because he is brave and bold to make statements regarding his research and thoughts. He is extremely honest. If he feels there is a weakness in your case he will let you know, and if asked about that weakness on the witness stand, he is honest which gives him great credibility with the courts. I hope I have many more opportunities to work with Dean, and hope you are able to work with him as well.”

Lanis L. Karnes,
Attorney at Law
Lanis L. Karnes
P.O. BOX 10785, Jackson, TN. 38308
Physical address:
731-668-9LAW PHONE
[email protected]

February 1, 2009

“I thank you for your tremendous work on behalf of fathers everywhere, and very much admire your tireless devotion to seeking the truth in cases of parents falsely accused of foul deeds perpetrated against children.”

Vern Mills
F4J, Georgia

January 23, 2009

“Thank you for your book “Ashes to Ashes…Families to Dust,” as Norma’s lawyer used a quote from it in the courtroom and the many false charges were dismissed due to your studies.”

Kenny Coultrap
Seneca, SC
[email protected]

December 31, 2008

“Just a quick note, Dean, to send many thanks for a great year, for all of your help, for being a great “expert” to our stations, and to being available at a moments notice! Here’s wishing you and yours a very happy and healthy New Year!”

Jessica Curtis, Radio Coordinator FOXNews Radio
212.301.3463 Direct
212.301.5880 Affiliates Desk

August 30, 2008

“We went before the Child Abuse/Neglect Board on August 21st and used many of your suggestions at same and made a grand slam presentation. Mark received their letter today and they have reversed the 1998 report from 10 years ago that his ex-wife and oldest daughter made and re-coded it as UNSUBSTANTIATED. Thanks for all of your help!”

Mark and Marta Zacheis (Massachusetts/Missouri)
[email protected]

July 20, 2008

“Dean – You were of great assistance. As you know, I used a lot of your verbage in my closing argument.”

Ted Stokes, Esq.
[email protected]

December 10, 2007

“Dean Tong is the world’s leading expert on false child sexual abuse allegations.”

John Stapleton, Host of DADS on the Air,
Australia (
[email protected]

October 26, 2007

“Very interesting and informative and would love to have him back.”

Jack Ford and Ashley Banfield,
Hosts of Courtside on Court-TV

October 10, 2007

“The Juvenile Court Judge found there was insufficient evidence to make a finding that Mackenzie was sexually abused. Thanks for all of your help!”

Stephanie Durstock, Esq.
Attorney-at-Law, Kentucky/Ohio
[email protected]

September 7, 2007

“Dean Tong has been more helpful than all our attorneys combined (over 3 years) and I’m not exaggerating or kidding you. He knows every aspect of our case better than I do, his attention to detail is amazing, and he does not miss a beat. His knowledge of the law, cases to cite, procedures, experts, testing, and the psychology of this type of case is outstanding. We have already received our money’s worth.”

Stephanie Waterman
[email protected]

August 7, 2007

“I am certain if Dean Tong is helping you people, you are on the right path.”

Paul Wallin, Esq. Attorney-at-Law, California
Criminal and Juvenile Court Defense Litigators
[email protected], 888-749-0034

March 22, 2007

“I can vouch wholeheartedly for Mr. Tong’s services. He is uniquely knowledgeable in such matters, and his assistance is invaluable. Mr. Tong is especially adept in helping parents successfully navigate an unfamiliar system in order to avoid common pitfalls.”

Andrew Thibault, Florida
[email protected]

February 15, 2007

“If you are experiencing the pain of divorcing an alienating spouse, Dean Tong is the guide you need to help navigate the maze of the Family Court system. We are so grateful for Dean’s ongoing support and happily and confidently recommend his valuable services.”

Brian Calder & Nancy, California
[email protected]

February 9, 2007

“By now, you have heard that the criminal charges against me have been dropped. I wanted to thank you for this personally. Had it not been for you, I would never have known how to defend myself. I’m very thankful to you, Dean.”

Rod Sissel, Iowa
[email protected]



If you, or your attorney, are interested in retaining Dean Tong as a Consultant on your false abuse allegations and/or child custody case, Mr. Tong requires the following:

A copy of your entire legal case file absent child support information
A Timeline, which is a dated case chronology of events
His fee, which is based upon number of court case numbers, case complexity and volume of case documents. Please call 727.819.3993 to inquire.

The package, consisting of the case file, timeline and fee should be FEDEX’d to Dean Tong @ 8321 Fox Hollow Drive, Port Richey, Florida 34668.

DISCLAIMER: Dean Tong is not an Attorney. His advise and suggestions should be brought to the attention of your lawyer. And, he will be indemnified and held harmless in the event you do not win your case.
In the past several years Dean Tong has consulted on and critiqued abuse and/or child custody cases from all 50 states: AK, AL, AR, AZ, CA, CO, CT, DE, FL, GA , HI, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT, NC, ND, NE, NH, NJ, NM, NY, NV, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT, WA, WI, WV, WY.

Has the state child “protective” services agency kidnapped your children and the clock is ticking against you?


Have you been accused of physical and/or sexual abuse and your wife “failure to protect”?


Have you been railroaded by your borderline estranged-to-be spouse and the system?


Are you involved in a protracted child custody battle and getting nowhere?

If any of the above scenarios even comes close to your case, Dean Tong can help! Tong offers his phone consultative services for a flat fee of $400 with a 2 hour limit. We accept all major credit cards for this service. Please call Dean Tong at 727-819-3993 and receive the direction and guidance your case deserves from an expert. to order your Trial Talk With Tong. Mr. Tong now accepts major credit cards as compensation for his court case consultation/expert witness services, and is able to conduct Zoomcast videoconferencing consultations with potential clients for 1 Hour at $300 and if he’s retained in your case he’ll deduct same $300 fee from his overall retainer fee. E-Mail him at [email protected] requesting a real time Zoomcast trial consultation, or visit and from the drop down box change 1 —-> 3 for $300.

Trial Talk with Dean Tong

Mr. Tong now accepts the following major credit cards as compensation for rendering his consultative and expert witness services: VISA – MASTER CARD – AMERICAN EXPRESS – DISCOVER

This transaction is a safe and secure one that is processed by Stripe.

Dean Tong
8321 Fox Hollow Drive
Port Richey, Florida 34668
Voice: 727.819.3993
Cell: 813.417.5362

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